5 quick lessons you can take to the bar:
Bartender's handshake: a shot of Fernet, usually between bartenders.
Bartender's mouthwash: a shot of Rumplemintz.
Shot v. Shooter: Shots are typically just a shot of an alcohol. Shooters are typically a mixed shot, which is served in a shooter glass, not shot glass, because the mixers add more. Examples of shots: "Shot of tequila," "Shot of Crown." Examples of shooters: "B52 shot," or a "Lemon Drop shot." Yes, when you order these shooters you don't say, "B52 shooter," you order a "B52 shot," or just a "B52." B52 are automatically made as a shot, whereas a "Lemon Drop shot" must be specified because a "Lemon Drop" is also a cocktail.
"Staff meeting:" Used when the house wants to gather in the back for a shot. I worked at a bar that used "Safety meeting" instead. lol - a "staff meeting" usually comes after a successful rush / busy night and is a "good job everyone" event.
Topless: This is an OLD term that many bartenders probably don't know. If you don't want a salt rim on your Margarita or don't want sugar on your Sidecar, then you can order a "topless Margarita" or a "topless Sidecar." However, again, many bartenders don't know this one so you are probably safer just ordering a "Margarita no salt."